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The Power of Learning something new (Learning to do Cartwheels)

I have been wanting to learn how to do cartwheels for years and now is the time for me to learn! I put some requests out on twitter but got no takers! So I decided that if the mountain would not come to Mohammad; that Mohammad would go to the mountain, so what did I do? I went to the only place in London where I was sure to find someone who would be willing to teach me – Hyde Park in Central London.
I approached and asked the first person I saw who looked remotely sporty: Catherine- an aupair on holiday from Australia and she gave me my first ever lesson.
So how am I doing in my learning to do cartwheels- well more on that later- firstly I’ll share some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way:


Learning something new (in my case how to do cartwheels) is:
It takes ample practice
It takes commitment
It is painful
It requires an enduring approach.
And along the way you make new discoveries.

For example I did’t realise that I could ache so much – days after.
And the above is related to another lesson- the importance of preparation – I should have prepared before hand by stretching thoroughly.
It was also an interesting process trying to determine who from the ample strangers passing by – I could ask for help. However I found was that people are kind and are willing to help.

New discoveries

I found I was tempted to give up and could hear myself making excuses so I had to keep encouraging myself.
Another thing I learned was that if I attempted the manoeuvre with more gusto I could land on my hands more firmly. I am not yet there (so far I can land on my hands and do a ‘donkey kick’- as described by one of my dear friends but I need to learn to straighten my legs) , however I am finding that 7 days on, I am not practising anymore, although the desire is still there, I am hesitant to say that fear has taken over somewhat… Here’s a video which shows my achievements so far (don’t laugh)!

But I have not given up – I have decided to invest in a fitness professional to help me.

What next?

Well no training courses to suggest for you but just a request for your assistance:

Who do you know that could help me learn how to do cartwheels this year – 2015? It is my goal and I plan to fulfil it. And if you too want to join me in learning something new, no matter what it is – let’s support one another along this journey towards learning through all the high and low points.

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