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Being Resolute in our resolutions

January marks a time of new beginnings and with this, it is also a time of resolutions; a desire to make a fresh start. These resolutions might be: to lose weight, to divorce or to meet someone new and everything in between.

But amidst all this, it is important to keep our resolutions realistic.


It can be tempting to get carried away but if you set goals without thinking these through e.g. how you’ll plan to achieve it then the goal remains a pipe dream. Resolutions or goals you set are best if they are ones you are motivated and enthusiatic to achieve.
For example; I want to tone up and I know that the only way is for me to exercise little and often and control my portion sizes. However, that didn’t stop me eating that brioche last night – 10 minutes before bed!
For success regarding our resolutions, we need to apply a three-pronged approach: discipline, take action and garner support.


As I write this, I am becoming more earnest in my resolve to tone up. I can feel the realisation rising within me that I need to commit to toning up for this to happen. My resolve is reaching another level of awareness that was not there before. And so the action points naturally surface: I’ll commit to doing my pilates DVD everyday and reducing my portion sizes whilst increasing my intake of salad and fruit.

Support- Who else is making such a resolution? Let’s support eachother!

See the next blog all about raising our levels of awareness.

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